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May the season begin

Writer's picture: Sofias Country GardensSofias Country Gardens

April was a tricky month for the gardener in this cold climate part of the world. One moment it was beautiful and warm, and the next... well not quite so nice. I did get April fooled, and started to work on the kitchen garden. The very last of last years ecological horse manure from my friend Maria was added to the vegetable bed, spread out and raked in. (I'm trying out a variant of the no dig method, whereby I don't dig the beds except for lightly where I'm planting new things. We shall se how it goes.) Then I planted onions, carrots and early potatoes.

Afterwards, while it was still sunny, I potted on the different kale and cabbage plants that I had grown indoors and moved them to my mini greenhouse.

That week, it really was beautiful and sunny, and I thoroughly enjoyed the spring flowers and budding leaves in the garden!

... but then it turned cold and started to snow again!! Have the seeds and potatoes rotted in the cold ground?? We will have to wait and see, its like living in a cliff-hanger movie. Meanwhile, I have been doing long walks and enjoying nature on the farm while waiting for spring to come back.

Next to the old sauna the we have renovated this year, not pictured yet, a squatter has taken up residence. But she is so beautiful I do my best not to disturb her! I hope you have had a lovely first of May weekend!

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1 коментар

03 трав. 2020 р.

Ja, det är inte utan att man blivit lite besviken på våren! Efter en varm "vinter" blev det ju en normalt varm och skön vår - ett par dagar!! Sen har det varit ruggigt och jag tittade på förra året och såg att det var en lång kall vår då med. Sen fick vi - iaf här på ön - en härlig sommar trots att det kanske aldrig blev så där hemskt varm (vilket jag tyckte var skönt) och en underbar lång och varm höst. Jag hoppas alltså på samma i år! :-)


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