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  • Writer's pictureSofias Country Gardens

Autumn sunshine

My favourite rose at the Gatekeepers cottage

Sadly I lost the name tag to this rose but if you know it please comment in the field below!

Sometimes I feel that the vegetable garden takes a disproportionate amount of my time, as I really get a lot of pleasure from the perennial borders too but never spend the same amount of effort on getting them to flourish. Instead the picture below of geranium Johnssons Blue amongst grass and weeds is much how the poor borders look a lot of the time. So, last week while working in the gardens I had a flash of inspiration to really put the borders in order this autumn for a good start to the season next spring. I got quite carried away with the work, and much to my own satisfaction I managed to not only weed but also replant the border in front of the Gatekeepers cottage.

Geranium Johnsons Blue and weeds...

A glorious mess before I began work

White phlox still flowering in the end of September

Although most of the flowers are spent by this time of year, a few pockets were still in bloom. I had to cut down some of the flowers as I transplanted them but others like the Phlox were left to continue feeding the bees until they start hibernation for the winter. Usually I leave the tidying up of perennial flowers until spring, as the decaying vegetation gives protection for hibernating insects as well as protect the roots of the perennials from the worst of the frost.

This flower border is very much a spring and early summer border, that starts off in pale pastels with daffodils and allium giganteum weaved into early flowering perennials such as columbines (Aquilegia) and Lady's mantle (Achemilla mollis). In July we have more colour coming up, with orange Chinese globeflower (Trollius chinensis), yellow daylilies and bright blue delphiniums added to the palate. In late autumn the only flowers still blooming is white mallow (Malva sylvestris) and white and purple phlox.

Purple Phlox paniculata

Speedwell, or Veronica, in August

Speedwell and Day lilies brutally transplanted a month later

In just three years many of the perennials have grown big and were ready to be moved or divided and transplanted for the composition and layout of the border to work. The daylilys (Hemerocallis) for example had grown so big that they made a sea of same yellow flowers when they were planted all five of them next to each other, so these I transplanted as individual plants all along the back of the border. The process of replanting grown perennials feels brutal, but happily enough they don't seem to mind at all and pop up with undiminished vigour next spring. This is the right time to do it, as they have just enough time to establish a bit of roots before winter but have stopped growing for the season. Now the border har just enough gaps to be filled up with spring bulbs later in the month, but no other big gaps in the planting. Hopefully next season will se the perennials growing almost into each other and weaving a dense enough carpet to keep the weeds at bay!

Ready for next spring

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2 commentaires

Sofias Country Gardens
Sofias Country Gardens
27 sept. 2019

Hej Susie,

Tack för tipset om rosen! Ja det där med att komma ihåg var man planterat lökar ifjol är inte helt lätt... Jag planterade ett hav av Allium förra hösten och det blev väldigt fint, så i år skall jag fylla på med narcisser. Lycka till med pallkragarna och skicka gärna bilder på min Facebook!

Hälsningar Sofia


27 sept. 2019

Det där med namn på växter kan vara knepigt, men jag kan ge ett tips i alla fall. Det kan vara den orange kläng/buskrosen Westerland som är vanlig och som skiftar i färg under säsongen.

Jag har ju dragit ner på perenner på grund av att jag inte längre orkar sköta alla rabatter som jag egentligen vill, men "några" har man ju kvar. *fniss* Det är framförallt mina pallkragar som jag snart måste ta itu med. Råkade sätta några snygga lupiner i ett par av dom och nu är det lupiner i alla! Dom måste nog grävas bort inom kort. Dessutom ska jag idag hämta mina vårlökar som kommit hem från Dix i Holland. Och även om jag bara tog…

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